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【女孩說糧食充足大家別搶 | New Video Out】 ⠀ 其實那是蘇貞昌說的😆 女孩說什麼大家去我的Youtube聽! ⠀⠀ 大家還記得《那女孩對我說》這首歌嗎?有沒有勾起大家的回憶? 來自新加坡歌手黃義達,2005年的經典作品當時橫掃各大排行榜。沒有花俏的唱腔,用敘述的口吻,認真誠懇唱出心中那份情感! ⠀ 同一首歌,在不同的時空背景之下或是在不同的年紀聽,都會有不同的感觸。⠀ 過了這麽多年才發現,這首歌怎麼寫得這麼美,而且不管怎麼翻唱,黃義達的滄桑糾結才是經典。 ⠀ 希望大家也會喜歡我分享這種經典好歌! ⠀ 疫情不知道何時才能穩定下來,但我很穩定發cover~所以請訂閱我的Youtube頻道(林子安 AnViolin)! 如果喜歡我的cover,記得在Youtube按讚留言分享給家人朋友看,也可以在那邊留言跟我說想要聽我cover什麼作品。 歡迎大家在沒有下雨的週末到信義區香堤大道,聽cover歌曲的live版喔!詳細演出相關資訊,都會更新在限時動態! ⠀ - Do you remember this song? It's the song by Mr. Yida Huang, a male singer from Singapore, and it's really super popular song sweeping the charts in 2005. There was no fancy vocal, just with his narrative tone, and singing the emotion in his heart seriously and sincerely! Listening to the same song in different time and backgrounds or at different ages would have different feelings and feedbacks and it took me so many years to realize how this piece was so beautifully written, and no matter how many times it is covered, the piece from Mr. Huang is the legend! ⠀ Feel free to come to Taipei Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Plaza to enjoy more my live cover songs. Check it out on my Instagram stories! ⠀⠀ - 小提琴 Violin:林子安 Lin Tzu An 攝影師剪接師 Photographer & Film editor: Santon.W - #子安在哪裡 #子安在Youtube頻道cover那女孩對我說 #說不要再出國了大家 #說現在不能去法國香榭大道也可以來信義香堤大道 #雖然盡量少群聚比較好可是我看到大家還是很開心 #Anber想說什麼 #黃義達 #那女孩對我說 #那女孩對我說violin #那女孩對我說小提琴 #那女孩對我說violincover #林子安 #街頭藝人 #Anviolin #violin #violinsartist #lintzuan #buskerintaipei #wherestzuan #cover #violincover #instacover #instaviolin

【女孩說糧食充足大家別搶 | New Video Out】 ⠀ 其實那是蘇貞昌說的😆 女孩說什麼大家...